
Monday, October 29, 2012

My Analysis (?) Of Mekakushi Code's Lyrics

Still the best girl on KagePro.
I'm on a roll, probably. I've been wanting to write this since I found out about Kido's true nature. Yes, Mekakushi Code's analysis.

My headcanon/theory is that this song is how Kido viewed her world, or the event on Vol 1 (and maybe later!) from her point of view.

ISML Winner and My View on Moe

Congratulations to Kanade for winning the 2012 ISML!
Yes, the winner of this year's International Saimoe League is Tachibana Kanade of Angel Beats!

Everyone predicted her to win so I'm not much surprised. Besides, she rarely (or never) lose. I'm glad though to see a HanaKana character win that is not Nadeko. Now, today in this Halloween day I'm not going to celebrate, I'm going to write my current view about the word moe.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Top 5 Baju Seragam Cewek imut di Dunia Anime / 2D [IMO]

Udah ketebak juara 1nya siapa~

Entah kenapa pengen nulis ini. Saya sebagai seorang anak perempuan suka mudah tertarik sama seragam lucu di dunia peranimean. Cukup banyak sih, yang menarik perhatian saya. Tapi saya pilih 5 seragam (cewek) 2D favorit saya dan alasannya mengapa (meski banyakan kesan pribadi saja). Iya saya ga minat seragam cowok.

Mungkin, [IMO] alias [In My Opinion] akan menjadi tema banyak post disini mulai sekarang. Isinya ya begini-begini kok.

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